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How can I check my usage limits
How can I check my usage limits

Lets explore how you can check your usage limits

Updated over a week ago

All our plans have different limits on the number of team members and submissions. You can check your usage at any point in time by following the steps below. Note that the steps differ depending on if you are accessing team forms as a channel tab or via the web.

Web or Personal App

When accessing your Team Forms via the web (or as a Teams personal App) you will see a sidebar containing the various Microsoft Teams groups. You can use the steps below to determine your usage limits:

  1. Within the side bar hover over the team you wish to see your usage limits for. This will reveal a "..." icon next to the team name

  2. Click the "..." icon followed by "Team Settings".

  3. Within the team's settings open the subscription tab.

    If you have a paid subscription you should see a green tick next to one of the available plans.

  4. Under the usage heading you should see your current monthly usage.

GIF showing how to check your Team Forms usage limits

Note this usage will reset at the end of each calendar month.

Channel App

When accessing Team Forms via a channel tab you will need to open the tab setting to view the subscription details. You can use the steps below to determine your usage limits:

  1. Open the Team Forms tab

  2. Next to the tab name you should see downwards arrow. Click this arrow to open a menu

  3. Within this menu find and click "Settings"

  4. Navigate to the "Subscription tab" in the dialogue

  5. Under the usage heading you should see your current monthly usage.

Note this usage will reset at the end of each calendar month.

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