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Code Examples

Let help you get started with some code examples

Updated over 5 months ago

Calculated Value



Display response to another field

value = data.fieldName 

Display response to another field with text appended

value = data.fieldName + ' some additional text'

Adding two number fields

value = (data.field1 || 0) + (data.field2 || 0)

Display the value of a number field rounded

value = Math.round(data.numberField)

Display the value of a number field rounded up

value = Math.ceil(data.numberField)

Display the value of a number field rounded to two decimal places

value = Math.round(data.numberField * 100) / 100

Display some text in a textfield when a checkbox is ticked

value = data.checkbox ? 'You ticked the checkbox' : ''

Display days between two date/time field

const startDate = moment(data.startDate)
const endDate = moment(data.endDate)
value = startDate.diff(endDate, 'day')

Display hours between two-date/time fields

const startDate = moment(data.startDate)
const endDate = moment(data.endDate)

value = startDate.diff(endDate, 'hour')

Display years since a date/time field

const dateOfBirth = moment(data.dateOfBirth)
const currentDate = moment()

value = currentDate.diff(dateOfBirth, 'year')

Display hours between two-time fields

const time1 = moment(data.t1, "hh:mm:ss")
const time2 = moment(data.t2, "hh:mm:ss")
value = time1.diff(time2, 'minute')

Display 5 days from a data/time field inside a text field

value = moment(data.startDate).add(5, 'days').format('YYYY/MM/DD')

Display 5 days from a data/time field inside a date/time field

value = moment(data.startDate).add(5, 'day').toISOString()

Display share-point data source column

value = data.sharePointSelect.columnName

Display share-point data source column when inside a data-grid

value = row.sharePointSelect.columnName

Add two numbers on a row in a data-grid

value = (row.field1Name || 0) + (row.field2Name || 0)

Display the number of rows in a datagrid

value = data.dataGridRepeatingTable.length

Total of a column in a data-grid

value = _(data.dataGridRepeatingTable).sumBy('columnNamne')

Display the current users email

value = TF_USER().email

Display the current users name

value = TF_USER().name

Display the current row number in a data-grid

value = rowIndex + 1

Custom Default Value



Display text based response Id

value = TF_RESPONSE_ID()

Display the current date in a text field in a specific format

value = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')

Display the current users email

value = TF_USER().email

Display the current users name

value = TF_USER().name

Display a generated GUID

value = crypto.randomUUID()

Custom Drop-Down Values



Values from a flat array

value = ['person1', 'person2', 'person3']

Values from an array of objects

value = [
{name: person1, age:21},
{name: person2, age: 30},
{name: person2, age: 25},

Values manually populated from a SharePoint DataSource

TF_DATASOURCE('dataSourceId').then(d =>
instance.setItems(d, true)

Custom Button Action



launch a URL in another tab


trigger a flow endpoint or webhook


Submit your form


Fire a custom event from button JavaScript


Move to the next page in a wizard


Move to the previous page in a wizard


Jump to a specific page in a wizard


Incrementing a value in a number field

const nextNumber = (data[numberFieldKey] || 0) + 1


Data/Edit Grid Conditional Add Button



launch a URL in another tab


trigger a flow endpoint or webhook


Submit your form


Fire a custom event from button JavaScript


Move to the next page in a wizard


Move to the previous page in a wizard


Jump to a specific page in a wizard


Incrementing a value in a number field

const nextNumber = (data[numberFieldKey] || 0) + 1


Datetime Custom Disabled Dates



Disable dates in the past

disabled = date < moment()

Disable dates 7 days in the future

disabled = date > moment()
.add(7, 'day')

Disable dates before another date/time field

disabled = date < moment(data.startDate).toDate()

Disable all Fridays

disabled = moment(date).day() === 5

Disable specific date (1st January 2025)

const dateToDisable = new Date(2025,0,1)
disabled = date.getTime() === dateToDisable.getTime()

Only enable the current week

disabled = moment(date).week() !== moment().week()

Datetime Shortcut Buttons



Create a shortcut to select 7 days from now

date = moment().add(7, 'day').toDate()

Create a shortcut to select today

date = moment().toDate()

Create a shortcut to select the start of the work week

date = moment().day(1).toDate()

SharePoint Data Advanced Filter Query



Filter SharePoint drop-down based on the selection of another SharePoint drop-down

show = item.field1 === data.parentSharePointSelect.field1

Filter items based on column value

show = item.columnName === 'supervisor'

Filter items based on column A or column B

show = item.columnName === 'supervisor' || item.age > 50

On Change



Set the value of another text field on change

instance.root.getComponent("otherTextField").setValue('Hello from ' + data.textField)

Set the value of a SharePoint drop-down to the first option on Change

TF_DATASOURCE('ld5r8fmfmded9zdzi4').then(rows => {
const firstMatch = rows.find(row => row.Make === 'Toyota')

Increment the value of a number field

instance.root.getComponent("number").setValue((data.number || 0) + 1)

Set the value of a date/time component on change (e.g. when a user signs a signature component)


Disable another field

instance.root.getComponent('number').disabled = !!data.checkbox

Advanced Conditional



Show component based on checkbox and drop-down menu selection

show = data.checkbox && data.dropDownList === 'option1'

Show component based on specific option in a SharePoint drop down selection

show = data.sharePointSelect.column1 === 'someValue'

Show component only when an option is selected in a SharePoint drop-down

show = !_.isEmpty(data.sharePointSelect)

Show component based on survey component answer

show = data.survey.option1 === 'a'

Show component based on select box answer

show = data.selectboxes.option1 || data.selectboxes.option3

Show component based on a drop-down menu which has been configured to allow "multiple values".

show = data.dropDownList1.includes('option1')

Show in PDF for a specific user

show = instance.isHtmlRenderMode() && TF_USER().email == ''

Custom Validation



Validation based on checkbox and drop-down menu selection

valid = data.checkbox && data.dropDownList === 'option1'

Validate number is less than 1000

valid = data.numberField < 1000

Validate the number of files uploaded to a file component

valid = instance.getValue().length < 3

Show component based on select box answer

valid = data.selectboxes.option1 || data.selectboxes.option3

Logic Trigger



Trigger logic when number field exceeds 1000

result = data.number > 1000

Trigger logic based on drop-down selection

result = data.dropDownList === 'option1'

Logic Action - Custom Value

โš ๏ธ Custom value set using the "logic action" feature uses the same method as standard calculated values. Please refer to calculated values examples above.

Logic Action - Merge Schema



Disable a field based on the value of a number field

schema = {
disabled: true

Custom Class



Set class based on number field value

customClass = data.number > 1000 ? 'alert-danger' : 'alert-success'

Set class based on text field response

customClass = data.textField === 'some text' ? 'custom-class-1' : 'cusomt-class-2'

Set class based on checkbox on the same row of a data-grid

customClass = row.checkbox ? 'bg-danger' : 'bg-success'

CSS examples



Change the font of all labels

label {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
color: red;

Change the font of text fields

font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
color: red;

Change the background colour of all number fields

background-color: red;
color: white;

Change the colour and width of a column in a data grid for both the form and pdf

td:nth-child(3) {
background: #ffb0a1;
min-width: 300px;

.form-pdf td:nth-child(3) {
background: #ffb0a1;
min-width: 300px;

Change the colour of a panel header

background-color: #cceaba;

Change the colour of all text in the generated pdf

.form-pdf {
color: red;

Change the background colour of a text field in the pdf and form

.customTextField {
background-color: red;
color: white;

*add "customTextField" class to your component under the display tab

Change the color of a row in a data-grid

.table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td {
background-color: #81DAF5;

Remove the page border for a page in the pdf

.form-pdf .border{
border: none !important;

Disable the remove row button in data-grids

.formio-button-remove-row {

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