Roles enable team owners to manage permissions for actions such as creating and editing forms. There are three available roles, each with different capabilities as outlined in the table below:
Role | Builder | Reviewer | Responder |
Create / Update / Delete Forms | ✅ |
Create / Update / Delete Data Sources | ✅ |
Preview Draft Forms Before Publishing | ✅ | ✅ |
Can Respond to Forms | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Team owners can customize roles by accessing the team settings window and navigating to the permissions tab, as illustrated below. You can set a default role for all team member or user specific roles that overwrite the default. Please note that roles are applied only at the user interface, it is a good idea to also enforce permissions within SharePoint which in a production setting.
Accessing team setting may look different if you have installed Team Forms as a channel app. Please refer to Team Settings guide.